Luggage Compartment Light

Luggage Compartment Light
Luggage Compartment Light

The luggage compartment light is located at the left side of the rear luggage compartment.

When you open any of the doors including the tailgate with the luggage compartment light switch in the “ON” position (1), the light comes on and remains on as long as you keep the door open.

After closing all doors, the light will remain on for about 15 seconds and then fade out.

If you insert the key into the ignition switch during that time, the light will start to fade out immediately.

After removing the key from the ignition switch, the light will turn on for about 15 seconds and then fade out.

When the luggage compartment light switch is in the “OFF” position (2), the light remains off regardless of whether the door(s) is(are) opened or closed.

See also:

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