
Please read this manual and follow its WARNING/CAUTION/NOTE.

Please read this manual and follow its instructions carefully. To emphasize special information, the symbol the and
words WARNING, CAUTION and NOTE have special meanings. Pay special attention to the messages highlighted by these signal words:

Indicates a potential hazard that could result in death or injury.

Indicates a potential hazard that could result in vehicle damage.

Indicates special information to make maintenance easier or instructions clearer.

The circle with a slash in this manual

The circle with a slash in this manual means “Don’t do this” or “Don’t let this happen”.

See also:

Front Seat Heater (if equipped)
Front Seat Heater (if equipped) With the ignition switch in the “ON” position, push in one or both of the seat heater switches to warm the corresponding seat(s). The indicator light below th ...

Maintenance Schedule
The following table shows the times when you should perform regular maintenance on your vehicle. This table shows in miles, kilometers and months when you should perform inspections, adjustments, ...

If the Starter Does Not Operate
1) Try turning the ignition switch to the “START” position with the headlights turned on to determine the battery condition. If the headlights go excessively dim or go off, it usually means th ...

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